Linchpin Funnels Blog/Your Next Level is not Upward, It's Inward

Your Next Level is not Upward, It's Inward

Day one of the Unlock the Secrets in Paradise event just wrapped and ​I've had a few perspective shifts already.

​The first one came from Trent Shelton.

He started the event off and half-way through his talk, dropped this bomb:

--For some of you, your next level is not upward it's inward--

He then suggested we ask these questions:

- Can you dive deep on your purpose?
- What does life mean for you?
- Why are you doing what you're doing?

As soon as he said it, I nodded my head in agreement.

Why does this matter?

He later brought it home with...

-- Your why that's on the other side of the fear needs to be bigger than the fear -- 


It's not about being afraid of something and mustering courage. It's about having a gigantic reason to go through everything in the first place!

How's that resonate with you?

Drop a comment below. 👇

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Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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