You’re letting their opinions suffocate your progress.
You’ve been going around in circles, planning, tweaking, and overthinking every detail because the fear of what others might think has you handcuffed on a deep level.
I get it. You don't want to disappoint them.
But ask yourself – are their opinions feeding your family? Paying your bills? Helping you create that life-changing business?
Because every moment you delay is a moment you keep that business idea locked away.
A moment you rob yourself of the freedom and success you deserve.
Look, building funnels, launching a business, and showing up online – it’s scary stuff.
The fear of failure? Real.
The fear of judgment? Real.
But guess what?
Success doesn’t come from them.
I can almost guarantee you that these voices don't come from the successful...
Success comes from the action you take.
You’re sitting on an idea that can change lives, starting with your own.
But every day you let their voices take control, you're moving farther from that reality.
Here’s the truth – you don’t need their approval.
What you need is a plan, the right tools, and a little courage to just launch.
No more endless deliberation. No more endless tweaks.
Launch it, make adjustments along the way, and prove to yourself that you can do this.
Perfection is not attainable, nor desirable
Just take the first step.
The world is waiting for what you have to offer.
Don’t let them stop you from delivering it.
- James
Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels
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