Linchpin Funnels Blog/You Can't Make Something Hit, But You Can Commit

You Can't Make Something Hit, But You Can Commit

Eileen Wilder stole the show on day 3 of the Unlock the Secrets in Paradise event.

​The entire talk was worth watching but one of the core points was to "commit to funnels" and was inspired by a recent Jack Conte post.

​She explained how Irving Berlin won 4 major songwriting awards but it came as a result of writing 15,000 songs!


One of her own videos that took weeks to plan and execute received crickets compared to another that she knocked out in minutes and had millions of views.

​You can't control what's going to take off.

​But you can be prolific.

​Commit to a daily post, to a weekly YouTube video..

​Commit to your top of funnel and Turn Pro!

Because the people you've been called to serve are depending on you to commit!

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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