Linchpin Funnels Blog/Wish I'd Known This Before I Started With My Linchpin MIFGE Funnel...

Wish I'd Known This Before I Started With My Linchpin MIFGE Funnel...

When Linchpin was announced I was pumped.. all in from the beginning.

​I built a bunch of MIFGE funnels for clients and eventually myself.

​We'd often launch, have a great conversion rate, but not bring in a ton of money.

​That's when it hit me.

​I order to have success with a Level 1 Linchpin MIFGE funnel, you need traffic, and lots of it!

​Sure, it's 1000 members to get your 2CC in a year, but if you don't have a huge following or a budget for ads, you'll likely have subscribers in the two figure range, not four.

​Knowing what I know now, I often recommend that new clients start with Level 2.

​They can sell multi thousand dollar offers at the end of the webinar or challenge and slowly fill their Level 1 continuity in the process.

​If you're starting out, don't have a huge following and don't have a budget for ads, try this instead!

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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