Linchpin Funnels Blog/Why Your Taste Is Holding You Back (And How to Break Free)

Why Your Taste Is Holding You Back (And How to Break Free)

Years ago I heard a powerful story on a talk radio show.

​The host was describing something we've all felt as creators.

​We know that we're capable of impactful creations...

​We've got the energy within us to make a difference.

​But when our work doesn't line up with our expectations, we get disappointed.

​In short, people who are called to create have a refined sense of taste.

​We've got strong opinions about what looks good and when our creations fall far from our own internal mark, we judge the crap out of ourselves, get discouraged and quit.

You can handle this two ways:

1: Accept that your first attempts are going to suck, look amateur and appear janky and keep repeating until you get good

2: Model success, because even if you're off the mark, you're way better off than starting with a blank canvas.

And, for the right person, there's a 3rd way...

Hire someone to just handle it for you.

What isn't an option is lowering you standards...

Which one will you choose?

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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