Primary Blog/Why Mapping Out A Success Path Is Easier Than You Think

Why Mapping Out A Success Path Is Easier Than You Think

Every info based Linchpin membership site needs to give their customers a map for how to get the transformation they seek.

​We do this by providing a success path.

​This is your framework, distilled into a series of stages, action items and milestones.

​Here's how to make one:

Think about what you do when you help people.

Where are they when they start?

Where do you take them when you're finished?

What are all the major stages they pass through on their journey of transformation?

​Create a spreadsheet or draw on paper a bunch of columns and rows.

​Put the stages across the top from left to right as columns.

​Put each individual action item they'll take in the rows for each column.

​Make sure there's a milestone that encapsulates their learning from each stage and wraps it up neatly before they move to the next stage.


​Now you've got your complete map of content to create for your Linchpin membership site!

​The stages are your modules.

​The action items are your lessons.

​Drop a video and a worksheet in each one and you're golden!

​If you want an expert to lead you through the process, reach out.

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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