Linchpin Funnels Blog/Why Is Mapping Out Your Own Offer So Hard?

Why Is Mapping Out Your Own Offer So Hard?

You know that thing where you can spot somebody else's problem from a mile away, but you can't seem to make progress on your own stuff?

Ridiculous, right?

​You can, and will eagerly jump at the chance to, map out someone else's entire offer avatar avatar and launch plan over a cup of coffee but you yourself can't bring yourself to niche down small enough so you can actually resonate with your audience.

So you sit.. and spin.. and look for the next solution that will cause you to not have to feel the discomfort you're in.

Maybe faceless is the way.. 

A Skool group.. that'll create the engagement I need to sell to people.



Put down the credit card.

Get accountability.

Get a buddy or a coach or a friggin' ChatGPT prompt and start getting unstuck.

It's only through a different frame that you'll be able to see what you currently can't.

Get someone to guide you through a process and ask the hard questions that will unlock the "Ahas" that will get you unstuck and create the energy and momentum you're lacking.

Everything gets easier when you know who you're talking to for real.

We've got a process that maps out your product, offer and avatar, 1:1 with me and Alma. 

Comment below if you're sick of doing it alone and want to be led through the process, so you can make real progress, fast!a

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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