Linchpin Funnels Blog/Why Does Jumping To The Shiny Object Always Lead to Disappointment?

Why Does Jumping To The Shiny Object Always Lead to Disappointment?

The market for marketing frameworks and tools is a never-ending tornado of hype, promises and failed dreams.

​This stuff is worse than diets... you will literally find people who have success with, and promote, diametrically opposed approaches to making money online.

Keeping up with it all is a confusing, and exhausting and you can never keep up.

Even when you try to stay focused, a hype wave will pass through and carry everyone with it, fueled by FOMO and dreams of "maybe this is what I need".

​Don't do it.

Getting good at these frameworks requires mastery.

If you haven't mastered the framework you're already using then you're mediocre.

The act of bringing your mediocre self to a new framework and starting from scratch only helps the person selling the new framework.

When you don't get results, you'll feel bad and then lurch to the next fad.

Mastery comes from reps, observation and improvement.

You'll never find the perfect solution to keep you from being uncomfortable so quit looking.

Keep your head down, focus on your avatar and master the ship you're already sailing on.


- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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