Linchpin Funnels Blog/Where Are You Going To Stick It?

Where Are You Going To Stick It?

Coming up with a waitlist funnel prior to the launch of your next Linchpin Funnel is a smart move.

​But once you have it, what do you do with it?

Each funnel in CF 2.0 has a URL at the tippy top you can get by clicking on it. 

In fact, if you hover on over it, it'll show an informative message that says "Click to copy URL", which is super handy.

Once you've got the URL copied head over to your social media platform of choice and navigate to your profiile.

Somewhere there will be an option to add or edit the link(s) associated with *your* profile.

Simply edit that area, paste in your coming soon funnel URL and save the profile and you are set!

Now anyone that comes to your profile and wants to check your stuff out can easily do so!

Who's done this or wants to?

Drop a comment below. 

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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