Linchpin Funnels Blog/What Does the Future Hold for AI and Funnels?

What Does the Future Hold for AI and Funnels?

What do you think about AI?

Do you love it?

Hate it?

There's no question that it's a giant lever that makes the user many times more productive

​Take a look at copy 

​Those who fear it decry poor results from unskillful users

​Those who embrace it are way more productive

​Pro copywriters love it because they don't _have_ to do every little detail themselves.

​They can use AI to get most of the way there then refine it.

I think the same will be true for funnels

​Even when AI is good enough to replace a funnel builder completely, you'll still need someone to translate the need from the human to the AI to get the results.

Believe it or not, this is not a new debate...

​This same conversation has been happening in the software development circles for decades.

We used to program at super low levels​ where you had to have intimate knowledge of the hardware that the program was running on.

This makes for really fast executing code, but it's very slow for the human to write.

We've been programming at higher and higher levels to increase the productivity of software developers and the companies they work for.

Literally for decades we've talked about, and implemented "code generation" which aimed to put the power in the hands of the business owners themselves..

But it never worked that way.

The results were usually crap because the end user didn't understand the ramifications of the models the put out into the world.

You still need someone who understands the business model thoroughly to be able to write the code.. or talk to the AI. 

AI _is_ programming, just at a really high level of abstraction.

So while it's true that the average person can be way more productive with AI...

Unless they really know what they want, what they don't want, and can tell whether what was generated fits into those criteria, I think AI will ONLY be a way for technicians to work faster and faster.

​What do you think?

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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