Linchpin Funnels Blog/Want Repeat Customers? Do the Dirty Work

Want Repeat Customers? Do the Dirty Work

Here’s a truth you don’t hear every day:

Service is the ultimate differentiator when it comes to repeat customers.

Go above and beyond for your clients.

Do what no one else is willing to do.

Take on the extra work, even if it’s not “your job.”

That’s how you build relationships that last.

Today, I sent Loom videos and emails to vendors… on behalf of my clients.

Because I knew it would take a load off their plate.

Their response?

“Thanks for keeping on this!”
“Love your Looms! Always so helpful.”
“You guys have saved me so much stress! 🙏”

I didn’t earn that respect by doing the bare minimum.

I earned it by serving my face off.

When you make things easy for your clients, when you step up and solve problems they didn’t even ask you to solve… they notice.

And they remember.

And they tell their friends.

And they'll be your champion in public.

Repeat customers don’t come from one-off tasks. They come from consistently showing up and doing the dirty work.

Because in a world of shortcuts, those who go the extra mile stand out.

So, next time you’re asked to do something that feels “beneath you,” embrace it.

Show up.


Do the work that no one else will.

And watch how loyalty, trust, and success start to stack up in your corner.

Serve. Like. Crazy.


​– James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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