Linchpin Funnels Blog/This Trick Helped Me 5x My Productivity and Focus

This Trick Helped Me 5x My Productivity and Focus

Being an entrepreneur is the most challenging thing I've ever done.

It's like being pulled forward into discomfort nearly constantly while simultaneously being stretched backward to the perception of safety by all of the internal mechanisms that don't want you to lose everything you've ever done up to now.

The stretching that occurs is so uncomfortable that I will tend to get distracted by friggin' ANYTHING that moves or makes a sound.

Staying focused and on task tends to be hard for me sometimes.

One thing I've found that reeeeally helps is to play noise in my headphones.

There are some great apps but these two sites are my favs:

First is the White Noise Generator at

It's got a million options and you can tweak like crazy.

A new one I'm loving already is The White Noise Playlist.

It's kinda like Spotify for different noise tones,

or a connoisseur's list of noise scenes.

It's beautiful and I love it.

Try one of these the next time you need to go head's down and get stuff done.


- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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