Everyone knows that Challenges are a LEGIT way to blow up your business... and they're a core part of Linchpin.
But most people I talk to stress about coming up with the content to talk for 5 whole days.
And even if they think they've got it figured out, it usually just a bunch of training that bores their audience and gets zero sales.
"Challenges don't work!" they say...
Having run several successful challenges myself I've got a technique that takes away the questions of "what do I talk about?"
In the Linchpin Book, Russell outlines a way to take the Perfect Webinar Framework and apply it to a Challenge.
It's really cool..
As a reminder, here's the Perfect Webinar:
30 Mins: Origin, New Opportunity, Vehicle False Belief
15 Mins: Internal False Belief
15 Mins: External False Belief
30 Mins: Stack and Close
30 Mins: Logic Repitch
To make this work for a Challenge, just spread it out over the 5 days.
Day 1: Origin, New Opportunity, Vehicle False Belief
Day 2: Internal False Belief
Day 3: External False Belief
Day 4: Stack and Close
Day 5: Logic Repitch
Pretty cool right?
This means you can dive deep with the Expert Secrets book and apply everything you learn there to your 5 day challenge!
Bonus Tip: Take your 3 false beliefs and put them together into an "This will work even if you..." subhead on your funnel.
I'm doing this right now for a client and it's been a blast putting it all together.
Do this for you next challenge or reach out to have me do it for you.
- James
Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels
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