Linchpin Funnels Blog/The Sure-Fire Formula To Create A Linchpin Membership That Actually Helps People

The Sure-Fire Formula To Create A Linchpin Membership That Actually Helps People

I've seen this come up a bunch recently.

​People want to make money online...

​They want to help others..

​But they don't know what to sell.

​It can be deflating.

​You see all the hype.. maybe you're in between jobs or at a job you don't like.. and you want that time/location freedom everyone is talking about.

​But without a product, what do you have?

​Frustration, disappointment and envy...

​Not anymore.

​You've gone through extreme amounts of pain in the past.

​Everyone has.. everyone has a story of unfair treatment or a triumph of overwhelming odds against you.

Other people are now in that same predicament.

You sell them the solution to get out of that predicament faster with less damage.  That's it!

​Think about how you did it.. boil it down to 3-10 major steps.

​Break down each step into smaller action steps.

​Define the key milestones that enabled you to progress from one step to another.. "Once I had x figured out, I could then solve for y".

​This is your course.

​Record a video for each step and provide a worksheet so they can follow along.

​Put it into ClickFunnels 2 and sell it with a VSL funnel as a monthly subscription

Boom.. now you've got a Linchpin business.

​What problem did you overcome that you can help others get out of quickly?

How will you feel when you actually help people get out of pain faster than you did?

How purposeful will that feel for you?​

​Let me know.


​- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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