Linchpin Funnels Blog/The Secret To Offer Creation That No One Talks About

The Secret To Offer Creation That No One Talks About

Developing your core offer, plus the funnel, and the automation.. the copy.. all of that is its own gargantuan task.

​But the other stuff.. all of the guides and courses. that you don't yet have.. how do you even come up with that?

Most of the people I work with just get stuck here, and a lot of them have wanted to just give up.

​But there's a secret...

​3 of them actually...

​First a quick story.

​At the Dan Kennedy SuperConference in Dallas earlier this year, Russell got on stage a bunch and delivered a ton of value... 

​It was new to a lot of the audience, but us FunnelHackers were all pretty familiar with most of what he said.

​But there was a point where he mapped out how to create offers that blew everyone away.

​Here's the key...

​Use the Perfect Webinar 3 Secrets as a lens through which you view your core offer, like so...

​Vehicle: Take the false beliefs about your vehicle and think of guides, mini-courses, videos, audios and physical products that will make their vehicle false beliefs go away.

Internal: Take the false beliefs they may have about their own ability to succeed and think of guides, mini-courses, videos, audios and physical products that will make their internal false beliefs go away.

​External: Take the false beliefs they may have about external forces outside of their control and create guides, mini-courses, videos, audios and physical products that will make their external false beliefs go away.

Now you have a list of info products that will actually help AND will knock down objections to buying your core offer, resulting in a higher conversion rate!

Think you can do this?

I think you can...


- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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