Linchpin Funnels Blog/The Secret To Conquering "Blank Canvas Syndrome" For Your Funnel? It's All In Who You Know...

The Secret to Conquering "Blank Canvas Syndrome" For Your Funnel? It's All in Who You Know...

Picture this...

You're out with friends.. or on a run..

A BRILLIANT idea hits you for your next product or business.

Immediately you buy the domain and add it to your pile of previous great ideas. 😆

But this time it's different..

You're committed to take action.

You connect the domain to your Clickfunnels account.

You mean business this time. 🧐

Time to build a funnel!

Now you've now got two options:

1. Indecisively preview all of the templates and second and third guess yourself into catatonic inaction..


​2. Start new and be confronted with the Blank Funnel Canvas of Paralysis. 🤐

​Sound familiar?

​Here's the solution.

​Look for others who are having success with your chosen avatar and product.

​Click on their ads, sign up for their freebies and check out their funnels.

​Then model the structure of their funnels.

​Kathryn Jones' SWIPES method is an awesome framework to quickly do this.. see previous her FHL presentation for details.

​Or get someone who is already awesome at this to do it for you.

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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