Linchpin Funnels Blog/The Real Power Of Community

The Real Power Of Community

We're often building virtual communities as marketers...

And it's easy to look at it as simply a lead pool... prospects.

But the past week has shown me what community is really about.

I live in the Blue Ridge mountains, in North Carolina, which is one of many places that was hit hard by a hurricane and resultant flooding.

My family and house was safe. We were truly blessed.

But the emotional rollercoaster that comes with the removal of trusted resources and the constant visual reminders of the chaos that the storm brought is enough to be psychologically destabilizing.

Left alone to navigate this, it'd be pretty damn overwhelming.

But we were never alone.

During the storm, my wife and I made siphons and bucketed out water that threatened the house.

Then I helped my neighbors with fallen trees.

Then another neighbor let us know that we have a friggin' spring fed creek in our neighborhood and could use it for cleaning.

One woman a few neighborhoods down put up a white flag on her mailbox because she was trapped due to a landslide and fallen tree and we brought her food, water and conversation.

My wife, who survived a war as a child, remembered the kindness of a particular group of strangers and vowed to be that kind stranger to kids who's houses and entire towns were wiped out.

I just gave an older guy at a gas station $40 because he needed it more than me.

What's the common thread here?


Giving, even when you're in the middle of it and don't have much, because it feels so damn good to give that it makes your problems easier to deal with.

Giving, because you're moved to act and have the means to donate or mobilize resources yourself.

Giving a kind word or show of support.

Giving helps.

Giving lifts.

Giving lightens.

Giving multiplies...
It's one of the few things I know where after the act is carried out, both parties end up with more.

So many of you have given kind words, support, donations and resources and we will be forever grateful.

We're on our way up out of this because of your gifts.

Thank you.


​- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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