Linchpin Funnels Blog/The Proven Method to Launch Without Risking Your Money With Ads

The Proven Method to Launch Without Risking Your Money With Ads

Launches create excitement and tons of cash when you do it right.

​But you can also do it wrong and waste a ton of money.

​Ads are rad when you know what you're doing, or pay someone else to do it but a great way to go broke when you don't.

​Here's the zero ad launch strategy from the Linchpin book:

​- Create a simple Coming Soon waitlist funnel that captures name and email.
​- Put that funnel in your social media bios and update your FB banner to tell people to sign up.
​- Go into groups with 100k+ people and answer people's questions as well as you possibly can without asking for anything in return.
​- Spend a week talking about your upcoming launch and let people know that your early bird wait list is closing soon.
​- Spend the next week with a launch campaign to your early bird list first, then everyone else.

​And if you get _enough_ people on your early bird list to make retargeting ads effective, go for it!



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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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