Linchpin Funnels Blog/The Heartbreaking Reality Of The Experienced Marketer's Own Funnels

The Heartbreaking Reality Of The Experienced Marketer's Own Funnels

One of the most blessed aspects of what I do is being able to serve all kinds of entrepreneurs.

Interestingly, a lot of them are experienced marketers who get results for people all day long.

​But when it comes to their own businesses.. it's like they're walking through mud.

​Progress is so slow.

​They're caught up in all of the possibilities.

​And it's crazy because they'll literally say stuff like "I do this for people all the time, why can't I just do what I know??"

​That's the value of bringing someone else in.

​Handing over the keys to someone you trust and letting them drive lets you finally be a passenger.

​You can look out the window, ponder, envision, unburdened by needing to navigate every intersection..

Without having to make all of the decisions.

​Putting all of your energy into delivering a high value product, knowing someone else is handling the rest.

If you did this, what would be different for you this time?

​What would that unlock for you?

How much more value could you add to the world?


​- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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