Linchpin Funnels Blog/The Dangers Of Low Cost Funnel Builders

The Dangers Of Low Cost Funnel Builders

The first big win I had as a funnel builder came really early.

In my second week I ran into Melissa in the ClickFunnels Facebook group.

​She was stuck with a Hubspot & Zapier integration and I offered to help for free.

​After we finished up, she asked if I did funnels.

​Turns out... she was in a ton of pain.

The funnel builder she was working with was not working out.

​I see this all the time.

There are funnel builders from all over the world that are happy to do exactly what you tell them.. 

Which means you have to tell them exactly what you want them to do..

Which means you have to already be an expert in this stuff.

And if you were an expert in this stuff, why would you take the time to explain it to someone when you could do it yourself faster, probably with a higher quality result?

For Melissa, even though she did have everything mapped out, it wasn't working and she ended up on her own.

Luckily I was able to execute and launch her funnel and we sold hundreds of books in a matter of weeks.

So yes, the funnel was a legit success, but here's my favorite part.

I mustered up the courage to ask for a testimonial and when I got the video back.. I was floored... especially this quote.

"It was truly an angel sent from God when James reached out to me and said that he could take on the project. He just cared so much."

Yeah we deliver beautiful funnels, and yeah they convert.

But it's the way that we do it.. with care, and belief in you, that separates us.

October is already booked for us, but we're looking to fill November.

If you're tired of trying to figure it out on your own...

Or tired of having to tell someone from God knows where how to do their job..

Let's get on a call and see if November is your month to accelerate a win for you and those you serve.


- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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