Linchpin Funnels Blog/The Crushing Truth Behind DIY Programs

The Crushing Truth Behind DIY Programs

Straight talk...

It's totally depressing for most of us info product entrepreneurs to look at the facts related to the consumption of our DIY products.

Unless you've hired an expert or leveled up yourself, it's likely that fewer than 10% of your customers actually go through your material.

Even fewer do the work.

And even fewer achieve the result you all hoped for when they pulled out their credit card.

Everyone is busy.

No one has time.

They want the result, but are so wrapped up in the status quo of "stuckness" that they just don't put in the time and effort.

This is a universal human truism.

​Most people buy books, crack them open, read the foreword and put them on the shelf as a "someday" task.

So many sign up for the gym, go for a few weeks then find themselves getting pulled away by "life".

What I've found is in order to increase the effectiveness of the results I provide, I need to serve at higher levels.

How can you remove all obstacles for you customer that they have no choice but to succeed?

How can you truly do everything for them.. or at least come damn close to it?

This is how you guarantee success.

This is how you add more value.. and charge more as a result!

This is why when we do a funnel build today, we do all of the work to define your framework, your Success Path, your avatar, your offer and positioning...

We do more so we can get you over the finish line more quickly and start making an impact!

​So create your DIY programs because it's perfect for a percentage of your population.

​But also create higher value offerings that stretch you and put more responsibility on you to get results for your clients.

​This is how we increase the frequency of the planet and make an impact together!

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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