Linchpin Funnels Blog/The Brutal Truth About Your ‘Perfect’ Launch Plan

The Brutal Truth About Your ‘Perfect’ Launch Plan

You’ve got an idea. It’s brilliant, you know it's going to make an impact...

But instead of launching.. you're tweaking, revising, holding off until everything is just right.

Sound familiar?

Here’s the truth: The perfect launch doesn’t exist.

It’s a lie that keeps you stuck.

You want everything flawless before hitting "go."



Fear of failing.

Fear of judgment.

Fear it won’t work.

So you tweak, delay, keep it tight to your vest.

Meanwhile, days, weeks, months slip by, and your idea stays stuck in your head.

Every day you wait, someone else is launching, learning, and growing.

And you?

Still sitting on your idea, paralyzed by perfectionism.

And the longer you wait, the more it eats at you.

The fear of failure is costing you more than any failed launch ever could.

You don’t need a perfect launch.

What you need is to start.

Launch messy, get feedback, improve.

Your audience isn’t waiting for perfect; they’re waiting for progress.

Launch, learn, adjust, repeat. That’s how you win.

Imagine launching now—even if it’s rough.

You start getting feedback.

You make changes.

You learn in real-time.

And instead of months of waiting, you’re already miles ahead.

Don't let the pursuit of a perfect launch hold you back.

Your audience needs you today, not when it’s “perfect.”


Then improve.

​The real win is just starting.



​- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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