Linchpin Funnels Blog/Stop Spinning Your Wheels. Create an MRR Flywheel

Stop Spinning Your Wheels. Create an MRR Flywheel

Let’s talk about her for a second.

She knew she wanted to grow. She knew her customers needed her.

But she also knew this: trying to do it all herself wasn’t cutting it.

So she made the leap. She invested in a polished, Done-For-You funnel system.

• Her MRR customers are sticking around with less than 1% churn.
• Her investment has nearly doubled—through organic traffic alone.
• And her business is thriving while others are still struggling to get off the ground.

Meanwhile, there are entrepreneurs out there who are still stuck in the grind.
• Duct-taping funnels together.
• Tweaking and testing endlessly.
• Losing time, momentum, and sales because their system doesn’t represent them or their brand.

Here’s the thing:

She’s not smarter than you.

She’s not luckier than you.

She just made a different choice.

She said no to spinning her wheels.

No to the DIY struggle.

And yes to trusting an expert.

So now I’m asking you:

What’s holding you back?

Imagine where your business could be if you stopped trying to figure it all out alone—and started building a system that truly works.

You don’t have to do it yourself.

You just have to decide.

I’ll take care of the rest.

🚀 Let’s make it happen.

​ • James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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