Linchpin Funnels Blog/Skool Won't Save Your Community

Skool Won't Save Your Community

Community engagement is hard.

Full transparency, I'm not great at it.

​So when I heard everyone talking about Skool and how it's made for engagement, I took note, but didn't take action.

​Then I kept hearing about how easy it is to get loads of members quickly and engagement is through the roof, I checked some of them out.

Some started out with a bang and died in a few weeks.

Some got huge, but they're useless as a consumer because everyone is gaming the system in order to show up on the leaderboards, flooding posts with useless comments for points.

​Here's what I discovered...

​There's no free lunch.

​There's no magic button.

If you suck at community building, a technology platform won't fix it overnight.

The groups that have been the most valuable to me centered around people and personalities and mimicked real life conversational dynamics.

​Niched communities passionate about a topic that most of the world hasn't heard of and couldn't care less about with a strong leader showing up consistently.

Don't think that moving your group to Skool is going to magically make community easy.

​You still need to show up regularly, keep the riff-raff out, add value and build trust.

And you can do that on any platform.


​- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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