Linchpin Funnels Blog/Simply Having A Funnel Won't Magically Make You Rich

Simply Having A Funnel Won't Magically Make You Rich

Tools like ClickFunnels make it ridiculously easy to get a funnel up and running quickly.

Which unfortunately means it's possible to put out a funnel with a message that doesn't land and an offer no one wants!

Ready, Fire, Aim... ​

Fail fast and get feedback...

​Sure.. and I agree to a point..

​But you can massively increase your chances for success by picking a proven framework and putting together an offer that solve's all of your prospect's problems.

​For me, the Linchpin model makes the most sense for any kind of product or service that can be consumed monthly.

​For the offer, here's what I do.

- ​Sit down and list out every single problem my avatar has at this stage of their journey.
​- ​Come at it from every angle possible.
​- ​Then group the related problems so it's easier to understand.
​- ​Finally, create a product or service for each problem or group of problems.

​Now you've got an offer that includes mini courses, guides, checklists, templates, audios and more.

​The perceived value will be through the roof compared to your course on its own.

​With this as your starting point, your funnel is much more likely to convert.

​Try it out for your next funnel launch.


​- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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