Linchpin Funnels Blog/One Community, One Commitment: How Staying Loyal Was the Game-Changer

One Community, One Commitment: How Staying Loyal Was the Game-Changer

Can you feel it? 

​The momentum has shifted.

​ClickFunnels is firing on all cylinders.

It's hands down the best platform on the planet now..

And the education arm is flexing hard..

​OFA, OFA Ecom.. FHL Virtual.. A friggen' FHL Replay.. Oh, and Your First Funnel Challenge is back??

​The focus the commitment.. it's working.

​It makes me proud.

​Proud of myself for sticking around, supporting the cause.

​For staying loyal and serving.

For cutting through the brush and finding solutions that served everyone.

​For being a light... carrying the load.

​Those of us that have stayed loyal are reaping the rewards.

​We're better positioned to win in this new era.

​This is a great power and responsibility.

​Stay focused on service.

​Welcome everyone back with open arms.

​Show them the new house and all it offers.

​Celebrate their wins.

​There's enough for everyone.

​Head up.

​Heart open.

​Let's go!


​- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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