Linchpin Funnels Blog/Not Sure About Your Niche? Your Actions Might Hold the Answer...

Not Sure About Your Niche? Your Actions Might Hold the Answer...

Ever feel like you’re endlessly shifting niches, trying to find the right one for you?

You're doing your thing, adding value, dropping marketing messages.. and it's just OK..

Then in a BRILLIANT FLASH OF INSPIRATION OMG I'VE GOT IT THIS IS MY NEW AVATAR takes hold and you're off to the race again..

Only to end up sort of back to where you were a few weeks earlier?

A client of mine was stuck in this exact loop.

He’d switched niches multiple times, never fully committing, always wondering if he was wasting his time.

And here’s the kicker:

This guy LOVES helping people. He’s already out there, guiding people on Reddit, encouraging them, showing them what’s possible.

But he didn’t think he was “qualified” to make it his niche.

Until I pointed out...

He’s already doing it.

He’s already living his passion, sharing what he knows, and helping people make progress.

Sometimes, the path we’re meant to be on is right under our nose.

It’s the things we’re already doing naturally… without a title, without a course, without some grand plan.

So, here’s my challenge for you:

Take a look at where you’re already showing up and providing value.

Ask yourself, “Am I already on the path?”

Maybe your true calling isn’t something you have to “find” but something you’re already living.

That’s your lighthouse.

Your proof that you’re exactly where you need to be.

Trust it. Lean into it. And let it guide you forward.


​– James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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