Linchpin Funnels Blog/Nobody Can Do What You Do How You Do it

Nobody Can Do What You Do How You Do it

The first session of Day 2 of the CF mastermind in Mexico was led by Russell.

​He talked about selling info products, explained how it changed his life and showed his progression starting with humble beginnings!

One of the first info products he encountered was physical book full of simple exercises for combat sports enthusiasts.

It was a very simple book, something anyone could have done.

But this guy did.

And it got me and @Alma thinking.

It doesn't matter how many other products are out there or how simple you think the info is.

Nobody will use your language, emphasize your points and draw the same conclusions you will.

Immediately all impostor syndrome disappears, because, assuming you actually do possess proficiency in your niche, you don't need to cmpare yourself with the category kings.

Just do what you do, with authenticity and your people will find you and buy from you.

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Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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