Linchpin Funnels Blog/Is This The Reason Your Website Doesn't Convert?

Is This The Reason Your Website Doesn't Convert?

You ever pay for a pretty looking website that gets no leads or sales?

Anyone who's been here for a while knows that they aren't really meant to do that.

In our Direct Marketing world, every page needs to be talking to a single avatar pushing a single offer.

Websites need to accept everyone and talk about all of your offers.

​So they just won't convert.

​But they do have a job.

​Mike Schmidt and AJ Rivera popularized the Funnel Hub as the blueprint for a Direct Marketing website.

I've heard Russell say that a funnel hub's job is to capture an email address and get a prospect to the right funnel as quickly as possible.

​So how do you do that?

​By including these sections:

​- Make a Big Promise (Get x in y time with this z opportunity)
​- Push your lead magnet or newsletter
​- Talk about you
​- Talk about your movement
​- Display all tiers of your value ladder
​- Show testimonials and social proof
​- Display recently published content (blogs, podcast episodes)

​The prospect should be able answer any question about whether what you offer is for them or not and be able to either leave, or jump into your world at the right tier of the value ladder for them based on the amount of time and money they're willing to invest.

​If you don't have a funnel hub, make one, or reach out to have on made for you.

​If you've got one, make sure it hits these notes so traffic gets turned into leads and sales as efficiently as possible.


​- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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