Primary Blog/If You’re Feeling Like You're Not Gonna Get There, Read This

If You’re Feeling Like You're Not Gonna Get There, Read This

Going from idea to fully executed manifestation is one of the greatest gifts we have as humans.. but also the most challenging.

​We get in our own way, overthink, procrastinate.. 

And in some cases, that adds up to resentment and a feeling of being defeated.​

Last night, ​Anthony Trucks shed light on why that happens..

Inside of us is an Identity that contains Beliefs, which lead to Thoughts, Emotions, Actions Outcomes and Environments that reinforce that Identity in a cyclical self-reinforcing loop.

He also said plainly, "You Cannot Attain Or Sustain A Life Above Your Current Identity".

​Your identity may not be one that will allow you to have the belief, thoughts, actions and outcomes that you desire.

​What's the key then?

​Uncomfortable Action.

Since it's less likely that we can manually rewire our identity and beliefs, or change our thoughts and emotions, Actions are our seam, our entry point to change.

Taking uncomfortable Action will lead to new Outcomes and Environments which will change your Identity, shift your Beliefs, Thoughts, Emotions and.. Actions!

​So, based on your desired Outcomes and Environments, what uncomfortable Action must you take?

​Is it to actually finish OFA this time?

​Try the new AI builder?

​Recognize that your genius is best suited for other things an hire it out?

​Share your uncomfortable Actions below 👇


​- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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