Linchpin Funnels Blog/How To Stay Motivated Even If You've Not Hit Your Goal

How To Stay Motivated Even If You've Not Hit Your Goal

"What if no one signs up?"

"What if I don't hit my goal?"

"What if no one shows up?"

"Or worse... what if only three people show up?!?"

Questions like these that precede a launch or dramatic demonstration are pretty universal.

The fear of failure and embarrassment is so strong that a lot of us simply never launch.

Swimming in a sea of negative thinking about your own success is natural, and paralyzing.

Sure you can bust out Traffic Secrets, hire a paid traffic person, or dust off your Dream 100 list...

But what if you just served the ones you've got.

Give them everything you've got, as if they _were_ a list of 10,000 or whatever your goal is.

Richmond Dinh served his whole heart with one person and invented the concept of a Tiny Challenge.

Now look at him...

If he can grow from where he was to where he is off of one client, could you?

More importantly, if you actually helped one, or a handful of people to make the transformation you promised in the first place, how ridiculously awesome would that be?

Knowing that you changed someone else's life, how proud would you feel?

They'd have to pull you down from the ceiling you'd be so high on life.

Who wants a piece of that?


​- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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