At the beginning of my business, I did NOT get on camera.
I would occasionally make posts, but I mostly focused on serving people who were already in pain.
Then one day I received a challenge to post daily and have been all in ever since!
Here's how you can too:
- Get an accountability partner and agree to a consequence that involves a loss of status
- Use a simple copywriting framework like Eric Thayne's 60 Second Perfect Webinar and use it exclusively
- Record each line as a separate video, trim the edges and bad takes and stitch them together into a single edit
This lets you mess up as much as you want while also not coming off as "reading" with a teleprompter app.
If you got over this stumbling block and were actually able to post daily to the people you're called to serve, how much different would you feel?
How much more of an impact could you make?
Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels
We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!
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