You set up a lead magnet.
People opt-in.
Then… they get dropped into an email sequence.
Seems fine, right?
Until you need to change something.
Now you’ve got to untangle the mess.
A tweak to one part risks breaking everything.
And if you want to reuse your email sequence for another lead magnet?
Good luck copying and pasting it across multiple automations.
This is where most people go wrong.
They "couple" the lead magnet opt-in and the email sequence into a single, rigid automation.
But there’s a better way.
Decouple the Process—Make It Modular
Instead of lumping everything together, break it into two workflows:
1. One automation that collects the lead and tags them properly.
2. A separate automation that delivers your nurture sequence based on those tags.
- You can use the same email sequence across multiple lead magnets.
- You can update a nurture sequence without touching your opt-in workflow.
- You can swap out lead magnets without rebuilding everything from scratch.
It's kinda like Legos...
Each workflow is its own Lego piece.
For each funnel, you pick the Lego pieces you need and build the automation you want.
Then, if you need to change the contents of one of those pieces, you change just that one workflow and all of the others that point to it are automatically updated.
In software development, we refer to this concept as either composition over inheritance or the Single Responsibility Principle... Small, single-purpose modules that work together without being dependent on each other.
And if you think that’s just nerd talk?
It’s also the difference between a business that adapts easily…
And one that breaks every time you make a change.
- James
Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels
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