For years, I felt like I was never enough.
Not there enough for my wife and daughter.
Not making enough.
Not calm or patient enough.
Not kind enough.
Always in a deficit.
I’d tell myself, I should give more.
But I’d feel like I had nothing left to give.
Work was demanding.
Time was running out.
If I gave to them, I’d have to take from somewhere else.
Which usually meant stealing from my sleep.
And then the cycle would repeat.
I’d end up exhausted, stressed, and stretched thin.
Feeling guilty when I was working, because I wasn’t with them.
Feeling guilty when I was with them, because I wasn’t working.
No matter how hard I tried, I felt like I was losing on both fronts.
What I didn’t realize… was that the answer wasn’t more grinding.
It was more giving.
Not giving what was left over at the end of the day.
Not squeezing in time with my family after everything else was done.
But filling up first.
Each morning, Alma and I spend an hour with the Hallow app, connecting spiritually.
Each evening, I spend an hour with Ella doing whatever she wants.
No guilt. No tradeoffs.
Just being fully present.
And the wild thing?
It’s made everything easier.
I pour into them, and they pour back into me.
I start the day full instead of drained.
My energy isn’t depleted—it’s restored.
And our family? We’ve never been tighter.
We love hanging out together so much, we kinda don’t even want to hang with anyone else too often.
It’s a blessing.
So if you feel like you don’t have enough to give…
If you feel like you’re always behind…
If you’re stuck in that loop of guilt and exhaustion…
Try flipping it.
Fill up first.
Pour into the people who matter most.
You might be surprised by how much more you actually have.
– James
Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels
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