Primary Blog/How Posting A Daily Video Can Fit Into Your Busy Schedule

How Posting a Daily Video Can Fit Into Your Busy Schedule

I made a bet with a freediver that I'd post a video every day or I'd have to make a video wearing a dress.

​I still haven't made that video...

​Which means that I've made a video every day for a long time.

​I recently discovered a technique that lets me create omnichannel posts in 30 minutes.

​Here's how:

I have a list of 100 hooks and explainers that I look through for inspiration.

​Then I look at my avatar's pain points & dreams.

​Then I write a blog post.

​Then I head to MidJourney to create the image

​Then I head to Canva and use one of their animated Reels templates with the post title as the main hook and the MidJourney image as the background image.

​Then I make the post body the caption of the Reel and boom.. we're done!

This workflow has allowed me to post daily while being in an RV for 3 weeks with limited time and bandwidth.

If I can make it happen with those constraints.. you can fit it into your schedule too!​


​- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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