Linchpin Funnels Blog/How Linchpin Can Help You Get Your First Customer Without Having To Quit Your Job

How Linchpin Can Help You Get Your First Customer Without Having To Quit Your Job

Were you catching FHL on break time and after work last week?

​Did the strategies and tactics both excite you and.. bum you out a little because.. if you're honest.. you're not really in the game?

Feeling like you're on the sidelines, a fan, is a bit of a tough pill to swallow, when you really look at it.

​The thought of quitting and jumping all in is probably pretty terrifying.

​Here's the thing.

​You don't have to.

​You don't have to affiliate market powders or jewelry as a side hustle either.

​You can build your business.. a Russell Brunson style Expert business that provides real value.. piece by piece.

With Linchpin, you can get your first leads just by posting in groups and getting people interested in what you do.

​Then you can build a single funnel that converts them to buyers and gets them into your membership.

​The numbers will be small at first, but that's OK, because they'll be actual customers.

​You'll take yourself out of the stands and on the field.

Instead of hypothetically wondering about Skool vs FB.. you'll have actual customers you can ask to see what they actually want.

​Instead of dreaming about helping people, you'll actually be doing it.

​And, when you've got it all nailed down, you can then hand in your 2 weeks notice and go all in!



​- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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