Linchpin Funnels Blog/How Faith Transformed My Business Journey: Lessons from the Rollercoaster of Entrepreneurship

How Faith Transformed My Business Journey: Lessons from the Rollercoaster of Entrepreneurship

Running a business is hard..

Real hard..

Heart racing..

Muscle tightening..

Emotionally deadening..

Peak experiencing..

Pride inducing..

Rug pulling..

The most intense rollercoaster you'll ever ride.

They can't make them this intense in theme parks..

If they did, only 1% would ride them..

Sometimes you get your butt kicked so hard that old wiring kicks in..

And you wanna just give up.

This is when you've gotta lean into something else.

For years, I've leaned into secular practices.

As an agnostic, I'd turn to breath work, meditation, exercise as well as vices like food, games and social media.

But about a year and a half ago..

Things were so tough both at work and at home that I just had enough..

I gave up..

I gave up doing it on my own..

I gave up trying to keep it all together..

I broke down and turned to God.

I didn't even known what that meant at the time..

But since then.. everything's been different..

I've been able to take on more responsibility..

I've been able to recover more quickly from setbacks..

I've ben able to show up differently for my clients and family..

All because of the power of faith..

Because I'm no longer alone..

I've always got someone to turn to..

Someone impartial..

Someone who sees the best in me..

..and wants the best from me.

Now I'm not telling you that you need God..

That's not for me to push on anyone..

I sure didn't listen for decades..

But for me..

Things were a lot better after I found Him.


- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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