Linchpin Funnels Blog/Getting Started with Linchpin Is Not Hard

Getting Started with Linchpin Is Not Hard

🖐️ Stop psyching yourself out from launching your linchpin business🖐️

✌️ It is NOT hard - I promise.

I have been successfully launching Linchpin businesses since early 2023 & you can, too! 🤩

😎 I see you.

I feel you 👊

🚀 And I am here to support you.

You have totally ‘got’ this funnels thang 🌪️

⬇️ So, just in case you are doubting yourself here is a list of all the reasons WHY you should start your Linchpin business:

1️⃣ Recurring revenue is awesome — think about how hard it is to acquire a customer. You get them to buy and then.. what.. upsell them via email? Do you have another product to sell? Most linchpin business owners I work with don't, yet they charge $47/m - $97/m for their membership. Think about what that means when you have 10 customers, 100 customers or more!

2️⃣ Everybody & their mother is sick of buying high ticket courses that they have to get through themselves and don't complete - with your membership you can reach more people & grow your customer base more quickly.

3️⃣ Fulfillment is super-easy & fast when you have your weekly live session strategy in place.

4️⃣ You can slowly build your membership over time without having to jump all in and figure it out on the fly.

5️⃣ Most of your customer acquisition will come from helping people in groups so you don't have to dance like a monkey on the internet to get leads.

💁‍♀️ So there you have it.

Five killer reasons that easily outweigh your excuses for not launching your Linchpin business 💅

🤩I am NOT joking here - these 5 ‘whys’ are strong AF. They are legit.

I am here to help you through the process. Let me hold your hand and walk you through the process of getting started with Linchpin 🤝

🥳My Linchpin "Missing Map" Challenged that STARTS TOMORROW teaches you EXACTLY how to get develop a product, market it and launch your business in just 5 days.

👉 Comment "map" to get your free ticket now.

We're literally hours from starting so let's goooooo! 🚀

​👌 I take you from being a total newbie to building a blueprint for a fully launched Linchpin funnel system.

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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