Linchpin Funnels Blog/Get Rid of CF2 Domain Issues Once and For All

Get Rid of CF2 Domain Issues Once and For All

You'd be surprised how many big money funnels have major issues that their owners are clueless about!

For any funnel you should be able to put it in the address bar 4 ways and have them all work:

This should be the standard, but lot of people screw it up.

Here's how to fix it.

- Create a free CloudFlare account
- Point your domain name servers to CloudFlare
- Set up the site in CloudFlare and enable the feature to always use https.
- Create a Redirect Rule in CloudFlare that redirects all non-www traffic to the www version of your site and make sure to check the box to preserve query string so your fancy UTM params remain intact!

This will ensure that no matter HOW someone puts in your URL, it will work every time!

PS: When you work with us, we'll just handle this for you. Reach out to see if we're a good fit.



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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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