Linchpin Funnels Blog/Fed Up with Marketing Strategy Overwhelm? Here's What You're Overlooking....

Fed Up with Marketing Strategy Overwhelm? Here's What You're Overlooking....

Should you go low ticket or high?

​Tripwire? VSL?

​How many Upsells?

Will downsells work for a course?

​What about the Homozi Skool thing people keep talking about?

​My friend is crushing it with her webinar.. should I do a webinar? I don't want to do a webinar.. that's too many slides!

There are sooooo many voices selling you a path to success

It's too much..  overwhelming​

​But here's one thing I've found to be true...

​With rare exception, they all work.

​Whoever is selling you a tactic or strategy is doing so because it worked for them.

​And if it worked for them, it could work for you too!

​You just gotta pick one, go all in, shut out all other options and...

Ship it or pay someone to ship it for you!

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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