I made a post recently proclaiming that I feel a lot of anxiety nearly every day.
I wanted to show a more holistic view of my experience and make it OK for others to feel seen and understood.
It got a ton of response and people from all over either aligned with it or offered help.
But for me, the biggest help has come from a simple, but terrifying practice.
Face the storm.
Alma told me how Bison are evidently the only creatures who will, when a snow storm arises, turn toward it.
Not for some suicidal or masochistic reason.
It's because they know that the fastest path to being on the other side of the storm is to face it and go toward it.
In practice, what this means is, when a thought or image triggers an anxious response, instead of lurching to a distraction or exacerbating the experience by feeding it with more thoughts, simply stop and feel it.
Turn towards the storm.
Stop all thoughts.
Feel the sensations in your body.
Try taking a giant deep breath or two.
And see what happens.
You just may find out that despite what your racing mind fears.. that it'll never end.. this will be the one to bring everything crashing down etc..
Instead you might sense that you're OK.
You can handle this.
It's not bigger than you.
You may even smile!
And if you do this, the most important result is you've got a piece of evidence.
You didn't die.
The world didn't literally come crashing down.
We're still spinning every 24 hours around a star that keeps us warm.
This piece of evidence gets lodged somewhere in your psyche.
And the more you do this..
The more pieces of evidence you stack up..
That prove that you are safe..
You are capable..
You are powerful..
The easier it gets..
The more you can handle..
The more valuable you are..
To yourself..
To your family..
Your neighbors..
Your community..
And the people you serve..
Which gives you more energy and time..
Which gives you more momentum..
Which lets you serve at higher levels..
With more responsibility..
Making a larger impact..
Isn't that why we're all here to begin with?
Now tell me..
Have you faced a storm lately?
Share your thoughts below..
I’d love to hear how you’ve turned toward your challenges.
- James
Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels
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