Linchpin Funnels Blog/Don't Make This Mistake With Your Business

Don't Make This Mistake With Your Business

Imagine waking up to find all of your funnels being down..

Nobody can buy your products..

And all of your emails going nowhere..

And nobody can email you to tell you about it!

That's the situation a peer found herself in one day a few years back.

This was actually the first person I every helped in the community.

​I was new to it and mostly focused on making progress with what me and my wife were doing.

​But I saw here FB post asking for help, and with my background as an engineer and devops guy.. I decided to help.

She had a friend that hosted her mail server for her for free and something broke on his end.

​She couldn't reach him and, needing to take action, she reached out to GoDaddy support who told her to point her nameserver back to GoDaddy, losing all of her DNS records :o

​It was a real mess... nothing worked.

​She switched domains for the funnel but then third party tools that are domain dependent stopped working.

I got on a Zoom call with her and we got things up and running so she could deliver her live webinar that day.


We all need help with something.. we can't know it all.

​Attempting to thins us out and keeps us from launching or growing.

​You don't need to know what a webhook is or a JSON payload or an MX record if that stuff freaks you out.

​But you need to know someone who does.

I'm putting together a package for people that will handle a lot of this stuff monthly for you as well as doing split testing to constantly improve your conversion rate.

​Comment "optimize" to find out more.

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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