Primary Blog/Does Your Duct Tape Marketing System Make You Nervous?

Does Your Duct Tape Marketing System Make You Nervous?

There's a lot of built-in complexity with a fully featured marketing system.

​Landing page, payment processor, email autoresponder, course, community, stats tracker, cart, file storage...

​CF2 does it all, but if you're not leveraging them, you're stuck with an unnecessary amount of complexity...

​And fear about what happens if they don't work together like they should.

​And worry about whether they'll stay working together as each individual platform shifts, changes direction.

​And nervousness about whether each service is up and working properly so all of the parts of the machine work in concert.

​We often repeat they Hormoziism of "Fancy Fails, Simple Scales", and for good reason.

​Keeping track of all of this stuff is hard.

​Putting it all into the same system drastically simplifies things.

​And connects them in ways you simply can't achieve with disparate systems.

​And grants you new insights and opportunities you'd miss if all of your data wasn't in the same spot.

​Drop fewer balls, consolidate your tools and simplify your life!

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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