Linchpin Funnels Blog/Do You Make These Funnel Mistakes?

Do You Make These Funnel Mistakes?

I usually build Linchpin Funnels using a proven model that's been tweaked and improved over years, but every once in a while I jump into a partially completed funnel.

Here are some of the things I usually see.

Unoptimized Mobile Views
We usually use ClickFunnels on a desktop or laptop computer and are biased towards this large screenn format.

But unless your avatar trends older, at least half of your visitors are on their phones

So make sure that your mobile view is just as good as, if not better than, the desktop view.

Walls of Plain Text
This is a recipe for glazed eyes and a quick exit.

Spice up your text with images that illustrate the purpose of the copy.

Add bold, italics and italicization to further break up monotony and lead the eye.

No Pixel, Analytics or Heatmap
I don't care if you're running ads or not. Send data about your visitors to Google and Meta so that when you do run ads, you'll have data for building lookalike audiences.

Also make sure you've got Google Analytics and MS Clarity or HotJar so you can get aggregated and disaggregated user data.

No Lead Capture on Sales Page
If you get a button click on your sales page and you're not getting an email address on the way to your order form you're literally throwing away money.

With no email capture you've got no way to remarket to them.

They're gone.. ciao! 💵🗑️😱

No split test
​I don't care if you've got 5 visits a day or 5,000; You should always have a split test experiment in play.

​Grab your headline, throw it in ChatGPT and ask it to give you some variations.

​Clone your sales page in a split test and swap out the headline then send 25%-50% of the traffic to it and see if you get more conversions!

Are Any Of These You?
Yeah some of them are me too.

I tend to forget to run split tests on my own funnels!

But now you've got a list of things to check to button up your funnel and get more conversions.

Take a peek at it the next time you're in the CF editor.


- James

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

We've believed that "Linchpin Is The Way" since FHL 2022 and have been serving the community ever since!

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