I'm willing to bet that everyone reading this has gotten really excited about something...
Committed to a result...
Started taking action..
And at some point.. progress started to grind to a halt...
But you're still committed..
But you're not taking action..
And this gap between your commitment and your lack of action eats you up inside.
And the days start to stack up...
And the amount of evidence that you're not doing the thing keeps piling up.
Until eventually... you quit.
You were consistently choosing to not do the thing and now the failure to achieve an identity transformation has occurred.
How then do you ensure the transformation happens?
Same thing.. consistency.
Every friggin day.. do SOMETHING related to your goal.
Make a post every day...
Watch a course video every day and implement it immediately
Read a chapter in a book...
Heck read a paragraph in a book...
Something every day keeps you in the game.
You're in-process to becoming the new you.
You're in the company of those you seek to become.
But when you do nothing.. you're in a process of staying where you are.
Consistency compounds, in both directions.
Which one will you choose?
- James
Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels
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