Linchpin Funnels Blog/Are You Wasting Money On A High Ticket Business Coaching Program?

Are You Wasting Money On A High Ticket Business Coaching Program?

Man, I don't know what it is, but I've talked to several people this week that are just bummed out, frustrated and even MAD at their high ticket coaching program.

​Imagine paying $30k each year, for 3 to 4 YEARS and not having finished even ONE funnel that brought in any significant result.

Over $100k and 4 years down the drain.

​It's maddening...

​Here's the thing.

​Some programs work for certain personality types.

​For others, they just don't.

​If you're not one to watch videos and show up to group coaching Q&A sessions, then it ain't for you.

It's not your fault, these programs just aren't set up for your success.

One size fits all never really works.

​You're better off having someone just build it all for you and let them toss you the keys to your hot rod when it's ready.

You're probably way more into actually helping people then figuring out what DKIM DNS record is and why you need it to send email.

Imagine, instead of wasting six figures and four years, getting a top notch funnel in a fraction of the time and a fraction of the budget that you can then actually use to help people and make money online.

It's a no-brainer.

Reach out to have us save you a ton of time and money and deliver actual results.

It really is costing you a ton to not have it done for you.

Time to stop the bleeding and get going.



- James​

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Hi, I'm James Curran

Chief Funnel Builder at Linchpin Funnels

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